The Theta Delta Alumni Association

A continuation of the brotherhood we all experienced as undergraduates




Who We Are

The Theta Delta Alumni Association is an organization comprised of men who were initiated into Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. through the Theta Delta chapter (at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL) of the fraternity.

We are TDAA

The purpose of this associatiaon is to ensure that alumni remain involved with the chapter through events and communication to help in the promotion, advancement and support of the mission and goals of the chapter.

News & Events

Do you know of any University of Alabama Black Alumni who are making remarkable strides in their fields? We need you to nominate them for BAA’s 60 for 60 Campaign. They will be celebrated during Black Alumni Reunion Weekend.

As you know, The University of Alabama has been working on a new space dedicated to our National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and United Greek Council (UGC). We are pleased to share that it will officially be called Greek Assembly Hall and is scheduled to open this upcoming May 2023. We know that you share in our excitement about this significant addition to campus benefitting our student groups and allowing their membership to continue to grow and thrive at UA!

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Order of monuments differs from this draft rendering.

Our new building, which will also provide a safe space for severe weather events, features an outdoor space to celebrate 50 years of our NPHC chapters on the University of Alabama campus with an NPHC Plaza

The NPHC Plaza, prominently placed at the front door to the Greek Assembly Hall, will include nine monuments honoring all of the Devine Nine organizations, as well as a tenth monument honoring NPHC. The pavers leading up to the front door provide an opportunity for individuals and groups to leave their legacy. This portion of the project is where we need your support. Once funded, we look forward to increasing scholarships and programmatic support for our groups.

Opportunities for Support

  • Greek Assembly Hall Fundraising Committee

Because of your continued involvement, we are inviting you to join this prestigious and select group. This opportunity requires a leadership gift of at least $1,000 – and your name will be permanently displayed on the donor wall inside the building. In addition, we ask you to share the various opportunities to support this initiative with your Greek brothers, sisters and friends who may be interested! We may host a periodic Zoom meeting to engage with the committee, but it will not be a large time commitment.

  • Philanthropic Ambassadors 
    If a smaller commitment fits your needs, we invite you to consider participating as an ambassador to our fundraising efforts. Each Philanthropic Ambassador is required to purchase a $250 personalized paver for the NPHC Plaza and share this opportunity with your network, as well.

Commit to Support the NPHC Plaza Here

Refer a Friend

If you know of someone who shares your passion for your organization and its continued success and who might be a good fit for the Greek Assembly Hall Fundraising Committee or the Philanthropic Ambassadors, please share their contact information with and we will reach out to them, as well. Please note we are working to ensure a well-rounded representation for the committee, and welcome an unlimited number of philanthropic ambassadors.

Please note, you are welcome to support this initiative without serving as a committee member or ambassador. Simply visit To commit to serve in a greater capacity, please visit the link above and fill out our simple survey.